2024年4月2日 星期二

IEEE 1584-2018 電弧閃絡計算步驟 (二)

  Step 9 Calculate the incident energy

1.        確定盤體尺寸修正係數。

2.        如果系統電壓為 600V < Voc ≤ 15000V,則使用公式(6)、公式(7)和公式(8)找到中間值。 利用(10)(11)(12)求電弧能量的最終值。

3.        如果系統電壓為 208V ≤ Voc ≤ 600V,則使用公式(9)確定最終電弧能量。







E600 is the incident energy at Voc = 600 V (J/cm2)

E2700 is the incident energy at Voc = 2700 V (J/cm2)

E14300 is the incident energy at Voc = 14 300 V (J/cm2)

E≤600 is the incident energy for Voc ≤ 600 V (J/cm2)

T the arc duration (ms)

Gthe gap distance between conductors (electrodes) (mm)

Iarc_600 the rms arcing current for 600 V (kA)

Iarc_2700 the rms arcing current for 2700 V (kA)

Iarc_14300 the rms arcing current for 14 300 V (kA)

Iarcrms arcing current for Voc ≤ 600 V [using Equation (25)] (kA)

Ibf bolted fault current for three-phase faults (symmetrical rms) (kA)

D the distance between electrodes and calorimeters (working distance) (mm)

CF correction factor for enclosure size (CF = 1 for VOA and HOA confi.)

lg log10

k1to k13 the coefficients provided in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6.

Table 4 Coefficients for Equation (6), Equation (9), Equation (13), and Equation (16)

Table 5 Coefficients for Equation (7), Equation (14)

Table 6 Coefficients for Equation (8), Equation (15)

求最終值 (600 V < Voc ≤ 15000 V)

                  (10)                (11)                  (12)


E1 the first E interpolation term between 600 V and 2700 V (J/cm2)

E2 the second E interpolation term used when Voc is > 2700 V (J/cm2)

E3 the third E interpolation term used when Voc is < 2700 V (J/cm2)

When 0.600 < Voc ≤ 2.7, the final values of incident energy is given as follows

E = E3

When Voc > 2.7, the final values of incident energy is given as follows

E = E2

求最終值 (Voc ≤ 600 V)


E = E≤600


E≤600 the incident energy for Voc ≤ 600 V determined using Equation (9) solved            using the arc current determined from Equation (1) and Equation (5) (J/cm2)

E the final incident energy at specified Voc (J/cm2)

Step 10 決定所有設備的電弧保護界線

1.    確定盤體尺寸修正係數

2.    如果系統電壓為 600V < Voc ≤ 15000V,則使用公式(13)、(14)及(15)來找出中     間值。 利用公式(17)(18)(19)電弧保護界線的最終值。

3.    如果系統電壓為 208V ≤ Voc ≤ 600V,則使用公式(16)確定最終的電弧保護界線






AFB600 the arc-flash boundary for Voc = 600 V (mm)

AFB2700 the arc-flash boundary for Voc = 2700 V (mm)

AFB14300 the arc-flash boundary for Voc = 14 300 V (mm)

AFB600 the arc-flash boundary for Voc ≤ 600 V (mm)

G the gap between electrodes (mm)

Iarc_600 the rms arcing current for 600 V (kA)

Iarc_2700 the rms arcing current for 2700 V (kA)

Iarc_14300 the rms arcing current for 14 300 V (kA)

Iarc the rms arcing current for Voc ≤ 600 V [obtained using Equation (5)] (kA)

Ibf the bolted fault current for three-phase faults (symmetrical rms) (kA)

CFthe correction factor for enclosure size (CF=1 for VOA and HOA                                configurations)

Tthe arc duration (ms)

lg log10

k1 to k13 are the coefficients provided in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6.

求最終值 (600 V < Voc ≤ 15000 V)





AFB1 the first AFB interpolation term between 600 V and 2700 V (mm)

AFB2 the second AFB interpolation term used when Voc is > 2700 V (mm)

AFB3 the third AFB interpolation term used when Voc is < 2700 V (mm)

When 0.600 < Voc ≤ 2.7, the final values of arc-flash boundary are as follows


When Voc > 2.7, the final values of arc-flash boundary are given as follows


求最終值 (Voc ≤ 600 V)


AFB = AFB≤600


AFB600arc-flash boundary for Voc ≤ 600V determined using Equation(16) solved using the arc current determined from Equation (1) and Equation (5) (mm)

AFBthe final arc-flash boundary at specified Voc (mm)

Step 11 決定二次電弧電流

必須考慮電弧電流的變化,減少的電弧電流重複步驟 8、步驟 9 和步驟 10。其獲得的電弧能量和電弧保護界限之結果可能不同。 最終電弧能量或電弧保護界限是兩個計算值中較高的一個



VarCf the arcing current variation correction factor

Iarcthe final or intermediate rms arcing current(s) (kA) (see note)

Iarc_min a second rms arcing current reduced based on the variation correction factor (kA)

Voc the open-circuit voltage between 0.208 kV and 15.0 kV

k1 to  k7 the coefficients provided in Table 7

Table 7 Coefficients for Equation (20)

NOTE—The correction factor (1 – (0.5 × VarCf)) is applied as follows

 208 V ≤ Voc ≤ 600 V To Iarc (final current only)

 600 V < Voc ≤ 15000 V To Iarc_600, Iarc_2700, and Iarc_14300 (intermediate average arcing currents). The final Iarc value inherits the correction factor.



